Biodegradación de bandejas desechables de poliestireno


  • Daiana Soledad Romero Universidad en San Salvador de Jujuy. Facultad de Ingeniería. Argentina
  • María Silvia Alonso Universidad en San Salvador de Jujuy. Facultad de Ingeniería. Argentina
  • Víctor Iván Escalier Universidad en San Salvador de Jujuy. Facultad de Ingeniería. Argentina
  • Sergio Omar Madregal


poliestireno, biodegradación, residuos pos-consumo, bandejas


The biodegradation of disposable polystyrene trays in soil without inoculation and inoculated soil with previously isolated degrading microorganisms was studied. In the test, carried out at 30ºC and 50% humidity, for 21 months, the variation in the mechanical properties and the weight of the samples was measured, as well as the concentration of molds and bacteria in the biofilm formed in the process. A decrease in weight and tensile properties was found, as well as a concentration of bacteria and molds in the adhering biofilm, much more pronounced for the soil with the addition of degrading microorganisms, than for the soil without inoculation. From the changes obtained, it is concluded that the biodegradation of the studied plastic improves markedly by incorporating specifically degrading microorganisms into a natural environment, such as the soil, which could be applied for a larger-scale treatment of similar waste.


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How to Cite

Romero, D. S., Alonso, M. S., Escalier, V. I., & Madregal , S. O. (2023). Biodegradación de bandejas desechables de poliestireno. Revista Argentina De ingeniería, 21, 129–133. Retrieved from




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