La ingeniería en el programa "Historia y Memoria de la UBA"
Universidad de Buenos Aires, historia, higienismo, Sociedad Científica ArgentinaAbstract
Within the history of science and technology teaching in Argentina, the study of the 19th century is fundamental, since it allows us to understand the foundations on which current scientific-technological education is based. In this sense, as part of the Programming "History and Memory of the UBA", period 2016-2017, we developed a project aimed at investigating the genesis of engineering education at the University of Buenos Aires, called "The first steps of Engineering at the University of Buenos Aires (1821-1910) ”. The present work describes the results obtained in this project. We establish how the teaching of engineering at the UBA was functional in order to build a defined national identity, and we determine the social role historically granted to engineering by the professionals who graduated from the UBA, in the period of interest. We study the relationship between the activity of the first engineers and the development of basic sciences in Argentina, as well as in the formation of the Argentine Scientific Society. We highlight the important role played by some engineers in the University Reform. We found that there was a remarkable link between engineering and the development of medicine, beginning with the ascription of the first engineers to the ideas of hygienism. In summary, we show how the first steps of engineering were not limited to the specific activity of the discipline, but were linked to numerous areas and activities of the formative period of our nation.
Facultad de Ciencias Aplicadas a la Industria, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, publicado online en: Acceso: 25 de junio de 2021.
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