Alimentación a conciencia. Experiencia de práctica sociocomunitaria
Práctica Socio-comunitaria, alimentos apto celíaco, alimento bajo en sodio, ultraprocesados, Legislación AlimentariaAbstract
In 2014, the Socio-Community Practices were incorporated into the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Mar del Plata. Through "Service-Learning", the students contextualize the contents in which they are being trained by interacting with society and its reality. A workshop was held integrating teaching and extension. On the one hand, teachers and researchers and students participated, and on the other hand, the Mar del Plata Home Caregiver Cooperative and educational institutions. The deficiencies that the community actors have regarding the "safe and informed consumption" of food were analyzed. Based on this, the students, with the guidance of their tutors, collected, analyzed and compared information on light foods, celiac-friendly, low-sodium, ultra-processed and functional foods with current legislation. Audiovisual resources were generated, achieving a learning community aware of the criteria to select a food.
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