Análisis de escenarios futuros para el diseño de un modelo de vigilancia tecnológica e inteligencia estratégica en ingeniería
technological watch, strategic intelligence, engineering, generic competencesAbstract
The Technology Surveillance and Strategic Intelligence (VTeIE- in Spanish) allows not only to anticipate the future, but also make it, capitalizing the involved resources through organized and systematized processes. At the university level in general and engineering in particular there is not cultural evidence that shows any encouragement on the VTeIC processes; in that way, the chance of improving the final result of the investigations and solving more creatively the problems in the course of the profession through the design and development of technological innovations, is lost. Taking this into account, in the present work the future possibilities are identified and analyzed by the application of the SMIC PROB – EXPERT method with the aim of defining probable hypothesis or events which could come up at the moment of executing a VTeIE Model focused on guaranteeing the development of abilities in the academic university field of engineering.
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