Optimización de un hidrogel para mejorar el perfil lipídico en productos cárnicos
firmeza, aceite de pecán y chía, estabilidad a la oxidación, colorAbstract
The aim of this study was to optimize the firmness and oxidation stability of a hydrogel as a carrier of an emulsion. The hydrogel was formed with a pecan and chia oil mixture, modifying the amounts of the oil phase and the emulsifier (polysorbate). Moreover, it was compared the hydrogel color with beef fat color. Response surface methodology was used for optimization, considering the effect of 2 independent variables: the concentrations of oil and emulsifier. A desirability function for maximized firmness and induction time was used. Firmness, oxidation stability and color were analyzed in hydrogels. As a conclusion, 34% of oil mixture and 0,6% of polysorbate is needed for maximizing the firmness and the induction time of the hydrogel.
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