Extractos de plantas

posible solución sustentable de la corrosión de estructuras


  • Natalia Delbianco Universidad Nacional del Sur. Argentina
  • Rocío Peralta Ring Universidad Nacional del Sur. Argentina
  • Carla Priano Universidad Nacional del Sur. Argentina
  • Mónica Pérez Universidad Nacional del Sur. Argentina
  • Edgardo Fabián Irassar


corrosión, inhibidores, extracto vegetal, hormigón


Certain agents present in the environment cause a reduction in the reinforced concrete service life. Corrosion of the rebar due to chlorides is frequent and involves high economic and resource costs to en sure the projected useful life, which compromises the construction sustainability. Inorganic corrosion inhibitors are one of the solutions, but they were recently banned as toxic. In this context, plant extracts inhibitors develop as a sustainable alternative. In this article, the response of the yerba mate aqueous extract added to steels exposed to an aggressive solution is analysed. In addition, its effect on the concrete compressive strength is studied. The results of this type of inhibitor are promising as areplacement for current technologies, despite aslight reduction in the value of compression re sistance.

Author Biography

Edgardo Fabián Irassar

Facultad de Ingeniería – CIFICEN (UNCPBA-CIC-CONICET)



How to Cite

Delbianco, N., Peralta Ring, R., Priano, C., Pérez, M., & Irassar, E. F. (2022). Extractos de plantas: posible solución sustentable de la corrosión de estructuras. Revista Argentina De ingeniería, 20, 121–126. Retrieved from https://radi.org.ar/index.php/radi/article/view/130

