BLEVE. Estimación de distancias seguras basándose en variables de diseño


  • Romina Kraft Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Rosario. CAIMI Centro de Aplicaciones Informáticas y Modelado en Ingeniería. Argentina.
  • Patricia Mores Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Rosario. CAIMI Centro de Aplicaciones Informáticas y Modelado en Ingeniería. Argentina.
  • Nicolás Scenna Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Rosario. CAIMI Centro de Aplicaciones Informáticas y Modelado en Ingeniería. Argentina.


BLEVE, modelo simple, distancias seguras, variables de diseño/operativas


Among the most hazardous accidental events are BLEVE. The serious consequences caused by the blast wave generated make their analysis crucial. The available models are complex in terms of the amount of input data and computational efforts required for their resolution. In this study, a simple to implement model for the straightforward estimation of safety distances between a explosion source and a receptor characterized by a specified vulnerability level is presented. This model is obtained by selecting suitable design variables and analysing their influence on the results provided by a mathematical model with theoretical foundation (reference model), formulating a single mathematical expression with parameters to be determined (simple model) and by solving an optimization problem in which the correlation coefficient resulting from the comparison of the simple model with the reference one is maximized. Finally, a very good performance of the proposed model is demonstrated, allowing the reliable obtaining of safety distances from the first stages of the design.


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How to Cite

Kraft, R., Mores, P., & Scenna, N. (2022). BLEVE. Estimación de distancias seguras basándose en variables de diseño. Revista Argentina De ingeniería, 20, 67–74. Retrieved from

