Regionalización Hidrológica de la Cuenca del Arroyo Feliciano, Entre Ríos, Argentina
regionalización de caudales, estadística multivariada, cuenca Arroyo FelicianoAbstract
The procedure that includes the regionalization of flows is used to fill the absence of hydrological information in places with little or no data availability. With the help of the HydroBID model, we proceeded to estimate the flows in the different sub-basins that make it up, based on the gauging data recorded at three points in the basin. The purpose of this work is to identify hydrologically homogeneous zones in the Feliciano Stream basin. It was subdivided into 77 sub-basins and it was possible to quantify 22 physiographic and climatic variables. Multivariate statistical techniques were used to identify the hydrologically related sub-basins based on the variables analyzed, in which it was determined that the flow, the area, the slope, the value of the curve number and the precipitation, are the variables that contributed to the analysis, model greater significance for the differentiation of hydrologically homogeneous regions.
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